
The fact that people usually tend to show the first signs of aging in their necks often leads them to consider a lower facelift or a neck lift. Neck Contouring is a wonderful cosmetic procedure for those desiring an improved neck contour without having a traditional facelift.

Neck Contouring is ideally suited for people with a double chin that do not have jowling or sagging skin in the rest of the lower and mid-face. The procedure involves tightening the skin and muscles in the neck and jawline. Liposuction alone may help the problem if significant fat is present beneath the chin.

Neck Contouring usually begins with liposuction in the neck and jowl regions. Then, operating through small hidden incisions behind the ear and under the chin, Dr. Reynolds lifts and tightens the neck muscle called (Platysma Muscle) to rejuvenate the neck contour. Any excess skin is removed from behind the ear. The result is a smoother and tighter jawline.

Neck Contour surgery is typically performed under local anesthesia or twilight anesthesia on an outpatient basis. The recovery time for an isolated neck lift is typically a short time. Bruising if it occurs resolves in 3 to 4 days.

Schedule a Neck Contouring consultation today at Renew Medical Aesthetics in Loveland.